
Register to participate in this exciting event and learn about climate-smart agriculture tools relevant for Africa.

Worldwide, there are opportunities for agriculture to contribute to efforts to adapt to climate change while supporting food security and the fight against poverty, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The concept of climate-smart agriculture (CSA), coined by the United Nations Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) is being embraced by scientists (Harvey et al 2013), funding agencies (Grainger-Jones, 2011), national governments and policy makers, global and regional alliances (e.g. Global Alliance for CSA (GACSA); Alliance for CSA in Africa), as well as the CGIAR. CSA aims to achieve three objectives:

  • sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, to support equitable increases in farm incomes, food security and development;
  • adapting and building resilience of agricultural and food security systems to climate change at multiple levels; and
  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture (including crops, livestock and fisheries).

To support a transition to CSA in Africa, researchers and development practitioners have n developed a range of tools and options for effective climate adaptation and mitigation in agriculture in different environments and at diverse scales. The Climate and Agriculture Network for Africa (CANA) together with CGIAR and development partners (CARE International Adaptation Learning program) are excited to bring you a webinar on CSA tools for Africa. We will discuss five of these tools, providing an opportunity for participants to learn about them, thereby, allowing for integration of their use across scales.

Overall objective:  to provide an interactive forum to share innovative tools for CSA with a wider audience

Target audience:  Policy makers, researchers, development practitioners

Webinar Agenda (October 13, 2015)

Moderator: TBD

Time (EAT)  

Topic/ Tool and region of implementation

Intended users


1400 –     1405


Welcome and  Introduction




1405 –     1415

Climate-Smart Agriculture Prioritization Framework



Caitlin Corner-Dollof (CIAT)

1415 –     1425

Climate Smart Agriculture Rapid Appraisal (CSA-RA)

Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania, Northern Uganda

Donors, CSA Implementers


Caroline Mwongera (CIAT)

1425–      1435

Participatory scenario planning (PSP)

Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Niger, Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi

Agriculture sector, Meteorological users, communities, Local govts, service providers, researchers


Maurine Ambani (CARE, Adaptation Learning Programme)

1435-       1445

CSA Compendium


National governments, CSA Implementers, NGOs,  Donors, Researchers

Todd Rosenstock (ICRAF)

1445-       1455

targetCSA- a decision support tool to target CSA practices


Public and private sector, main use for planning


Patric Brandt (CIFOR)

1455 -      1525

Questions and Answers




1525 -      1530

Wrap up





To participate, please register here.

About CANA

The Climate and Agriculture Network for Africa (CANA) is a knowledge sharing web based platform by a network of partners drawn from the region. CANA brings together policy makers, researchers and practitioners within climate science and agriculture who are seeking to build resilience within African agriculture. The platform fills an important niche by linking climate change and agriculture policy processes with key research and development actors from Africa. The platform will ensure timely sharing and access to information by partners involved.

Learn more: http://canafrica.com/