COP22 side event: Building women’s resilience to climate change: Lessons from smallholder farmers

The impacts of climate change and climate variability are differentiated by gender: programmatic interventions in smallholder agriculture designed to improve resilience to climate change also have different impacts within the community, which are often significantly gendered in terms of specific activities undertaken. Implications for income sources and opportunities, for livelihood diversification, for access to and control over resources and benefits, and for the quality of life are different for men and women.
The theme of this event is how to “get real” about investments in gender equality in agriculture. It will feature lessons learned and experiences from CARE, CCAFS and IFAD on how to strengthen gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture adaptation programmes.
Draft program and speakers
The event will feature presentations from national evaluators and the overall coordinator on lessons learned for gender equality as a result of the ASAP work.
Speakers (in order of presentations):
- Emma Bowa, CARE Kenya
- James Kinyangi, Chief Climate Change & Policy Officer, African Development Bank
- Ilaria Firman, Climate and Environment Division, IFAD
Moderator: Mary Nyasimi, Gender and Social Inclusion Science Officer, CCAFS
The side event is organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), CARE and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
View the full list of CCAFS events at COP22 in Morocco.