
In preparation for the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, CCAFS is co-leading a thematic session during the Building a Resilient Future day, a Climate Week NYC event hosted by the Global Resilience Partnership.

During the day-long Building a Resilient Future event, CCAFS will co-lead one of the seven thematic sessions running throughout the day: "Building resilient food and agriculture systems." 

About the Building a Resilient Future event

Registration for this event is required via Eventbrite.

To achieve a just climate transition for all, we need a fundamental shift towards resilience-based approaches that promote risk management and diversity in all its forms, seek nonlinear transformational change, and support local actors to transform their own futures in the face of change.

The purpose of the event is to create a participatory, innovative, inclusive and diverse space for stakeholders to share the actions and commitments they are making to achieve a transformative, resilient future. The day is aimed at complementing actions at the UN Climate Action Summit, and is organized around the major themes expected to feature at the Summit. 

During the event, CCAFS will co-lead one of the seven thematic sessions that will run throughout the day, on building resilient food and agriculture systems. Details on the session can be found below. 

In addition, CCAFS will host a side event during the day, "Transforming food systems under a changing climate: from priorities to action." For details on the side event, please click here

About the thematic session

Registered participants can download the Whova event app for updates and networking.

This thematic session will focus on highlighting concrete and scalable actions in agriculture and other food-related sectorsacross the entire value chain, from production to consumptionthat will help to make these systems more resilient in the face of climate change. The session will synthesize the critical, priority actions needed to build a resilient food system for an uncertain future. It will also include announcements of new initiatives and partnerships. 

Session agenda




20 min

Welcome and introduction

Laurie GoeringClimate Editor, Reuters (Moderator)

Opening remarks:

Gerda Verburg, Coordinator, Scaling Up Nutrition Movement

Elizabeth Mwiyeria, Kenya Country Manager, ViAgroforestry

20 min

Power pitches (4 min)

  1. Åsa Persson, Representative, Adaptation Without Border
  2. Ángel Muñoz, Latin America Lead, AcToday
  3. Luci TetegenLeader, Fisherfolk West Africa 
  4. Rowan Douglas, Representative, Insurance Development Forum 

20 min

Audience discussion

  • What are the key issues in reaching scale? Why are we pessimistic/optimistic about it? What can we do?
  • What are the key issues preventing the scaling of promising actions?

20 min

Power pitches (4 min)

  1. Brent Loken, Director of Science Translation, EAT
  2. Godavari DangeCommunity Leader, Swayam Shikshan Prayo
  3. Ashley Allen, Climate and Land Senior Manager, MARS 
  4. Claudia Ringler, Representative, Commission on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems)

20 min

Audience discussion

  • The UN Secretary-General has called on all leaders coming to New York to come with concrete realistic plans? What concrete realistic action will your organizations take in the next year to enhance resilience of food systems?
  • What part of the food system should be prioritized to build resilience?

20 min

Wrapping up

Four closing speakers and summary of key messages

  1. Nathanial Matthews, Director of Programmes, Global Resilience Partnership
  2. Margarita Astrálaga, Director of Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  3. Agnes Kalibata, President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
  4. Siosiua Halavatau, Crop Production Coordinator, The Pacific Community

Co-hosts and partners 

CCAFS is co-leading this session together with: 

This event is co-organized by:

  • World Food Programme (WFP)
  • Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
  • UK Department of International Development (DFID)
  • ScalingUpNutrition
  • Vi Agroforestry
  • Overseas Development Institute (ODI


This event will be livestreamed. To view the livestream please click here

This event page provides details for one of the four events that CCAFS will be participating in with partners during Climate Week NYC (22–29 September, 2019). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.