Support the Scaling up of CSA approach in Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau and the Seychelles

Project Description
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is funding a project to support the scaling up of CSA approach in Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau and the Seychelles. The project activities to be undertaken are in support of the project "Adoption of efficient and climate-smart agricultural practices in African SIDS" with the following objectives :
- To promote the adoption of efficient and climate-smart food production practices, which will include a broad range of activities, such as the promotion of efficient and CSA practices by smallholders using wide range of easy-to-grow crops of high nutritional value and market value; strengthening the organizational capacity of smallholders to cope with the impact of climate change;promotion of the use of Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) to enhance domestic fish availability and domestic consumption; and (by reduction of post-harvest losses and food safety risks associated with domestic food product chairs,
- To promote viable domestic and regional market opportunities for value-added food products which will include several activities, such as the enhancement of capacities of smallholders lo link to other value-chain actors and strengthen their participation in viable food markets; identification of high-value niche market opportunities including Fair Trade, organic, Geographical Indication
- To promote appropriate nutrition behavior through sustainable food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition, with the development of appropriate Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FEDG) for appropriate policies on the quality of diet and nutrition education
- Take stock of the CSA practices and knowledge in the countries. Data collection and reporting travel for in-country support, production, and validation of country report on CSA
- Prepare country-specific CSA profiles for each of the targeted countries based on detailed stocktaking on CSA, including identification of adapted technologies and best practices. Selected CSA adapted technologies will be scaled up using an integrated FFs approach
- Prepare synthetic country profiles on CSA to decision makers.
Expected outcomes
- Resource use of efficient, climate-smart and nutrition-sensitive technologies are identified, implemented and monitored in pilot studies across selected sites
- Knowledge and information shared between the three targeted countries and the other African SIDS to promote the efficient resources use and CSA practices.
CCAFS will contribute to the project by developing CSA profiles for Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, and the Seychelles
Further information
For more information, please contact Prosper Houessionon (email: