
CCAFS @ Climate Week NYC | Building a Resilient Future: Transforming food systems under a changing climate

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In preparation for the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, CCAFS is hosting a side event at the Building a Resilient Future day, a Climate Week NYC event hosted by the Global Resilience Partnership.

During the day-long Building a Resilient Future event, CCAFS will co-host a side event: "Transforming food systems under a changing climate: from priorities to action." 

About the Building a Resilient Future event

Registration for this event is required via Eventbrite.

To achieve a just climate transition for all, we need a fundamental shift towards resilience-based approaches that promote risk management and diversity in all its forms, seek nonlinear transformational change, and support local actors to transform their own futures in the face of change.

The purpose of the event is to create a participatory, innovative, inclusive and diverse space for stakeholders to share the actions and commitments they are making to achieve a transformative, resilient future. The day is aimed at complementing actions at the UN Climate Action Summit, and is organized around the major themes expected to feature at the Summit. 

During the event, CCAFS will co-lead one of the seven thematic sessions that will run throughout the day, on building resilient food and agriculture systems. For details on the session, click here

In addition, CCAFS will host a side event during the day, "Transforming food systems under a changing climate: from priorities to action." Details are below. 

About the side event

If we are to achieve the SDGs related to poverty, climate change and food and nutrition security, the agricultural development community  will have to work collectively with the world’s 700 million small-scale farmers by 2030 to transform the way food is produced, processed and consumed. Never before have we faced such ambitious goals.


Registered participants can download the Whova event app for updates and networking.

The Transforming Food Systems under Climate Change Initiative is a global effort involving over 100 organizations to change the way we produce and consume food to meet the SDGs. The initiative proposes science-based actions that can transform food systems, and identifies champions from business, civil society and Governments to lead implementation. 


  • Outline key opportunities for transforming food systems under a changing climate.
  • Identify champions to lead transformative actions across key areas of opportunity.

Expected outcomes

  • An action agenda to implement transformative actions, together with key champions identified to lead action in different contexts.

Side-event agenda




Welcome and introduction to the Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate initiative

Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodríguez, Head of Global Policy Research, CCAFS (Chair)


Action Area 1: Farmers who flourish: four actions for adaptation

Presentation of key opportunities

Christina Chan, Director, Climate Resilience Practice, World Resources Institute


Group discussion and identification of champions to lead action


Action Area 2: Putting the world back on the 2-degree path: four actions for mitigation

Presentation of key opportunities

Lini Wollenberg, Flagship Leader – Low Emissions Development, CCAFS


Group discussion and identification of champions to lead action


Action Area 3: Getting to scale: three facilitating actions

Presentation of key opportunities

Margarita Astralaga, Director, Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development


Group discussion and identification of champions to lead action


Closing remarks

Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodríguez




Partners participating in this event:

  • World Resources Institute (WRI)
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

More resources

This event page provides details for one of the four events that CCAFS will be participating in with partners during the Climate Week NYC (22–29 September, 2019). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.