
With the recent establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community, relevant and strategic R4D  activities should be carried out to help the region in: coping with climate change; sustaining national and regional food and nutrition security; enhancing competitiveness in agriculture; and strengthening regional integration. The research focus now should be on: scaling CSA technologies and practices to address the impacts of climate-related risks; improving accessibility of decision-makers and farmers to climate information services; developing climate index-based crop insurance as a major risk mitigation strategy for smallholder farmers; promoting resilient and low emission food systems and landscapes for improving food and nutrition security; and elevating the quality of agricultural products to meet international standards.

As SEA countries also need support in meeting their commitments to various international climate change and related treaties, work should be done in: mainstreaming CSA in government agriculture policies and programs; strengthening national capacity in formulating innovative CSA strategies and approaches; and harmonizing measurement, reporting and verification system among SEA countries to take advantage of global carbon markets as a region.

Through this conference, we bring together all the key stakeholders to discuss and exchange learnings to meet the following objectives:

  • To share with partners the CGIAR R4D activities on improving climate resilience in agriculture and on supporting the mitigation targets of SEA countries;
  • To share the tools used and developed by CGIAR centers and programs in conducting R4D on climate change that national partners may use in their own R4D; and
  • To identify policy recommendations and areas of collaboration with countries and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen R4D on climate change towards achieving climate-resilient SEA.

Conference Agenda

Panel Discussion 1: CGIAR supporting SEA countries improve climate resilience and achieve their climate mitigation targets

In this session, the successful climate-smart technologies and services developed and implemented through the various CGIAR initiatives will be showcased. In line with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and NAPs for agriculture sector, this session will also tackle the work done by CGIAR in implementing researches to improve emission reductions; identifying priorities and options for LED; and scaling of CSA practices and policies.

Panel discussion 2: Tools, Maps, Models, and Data: Assessing the methodologies for R4D on Climate Change

The discussion will focus on how CGIAR R4D tools were used to understand the interrelations between climate impacts, food systems, and livelihood strategies at the community, national, and regional levels. Moreover, the ways to optimize the utilization of the tools developed for famers and governments in their decision making on agriculture (productivity and food security, livelihood improvement, and climate change adaptation and mitigation) will be determined.

Panel discussion 3: Research-informed policies towards climate-resiliency: Recommendations from CGIAR

In this panel discussion, the actions on how CGIAR-generated knowledge and initiatives can be integrated in the regional, national, and local policies and R4D programs will be discussed.

Roundtable Discussion: Collaboration and partnerships for climate change R4D: The prospective in Southeast Asia

This session will look into areas for further collaboration with SEA countries and the ways to fully integrate the CGIAR R4D on agriculture and climate change initiatives in the region.