
An overview of activities at and alongside the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP20) in Lima, Peru


How do we make sure the next global climate change agreement does not close the door on agriculture?

Read10 Things you need to know about agriculture at December’s UN Climate Talks in Lima, Peru

If you’re in Lima, please join our public events, or join the conversation online by following our CO20 blog, @cgiarclimate on twitter, on Facebook and Google+.

29-30 November 2014
Hackathon: Solutions for Climate Change and Food Security

We are looking for new ways to use ICT to bring agricultural research to those most in need, and will reward the best. Do you accept the challenge? 
Venue: International Potato Center (CIP).

1-2 December 2014 
Workshop on Approaches and Tools for Agriculture and Climate Change Planning (Herramientas y Métodos para la Planeación y Toma de Decisiones en Agricultura y Cambio Climático)

How can decision-makers and policy makers prioritize investments in agriculture and climate change by making more strategic planning? This workshop aims to share the tools and methods that can make the difference. By invite only
Venue: San Isidro Inn Hotel.

3 December 2014 
Learning session: Mitigating GHG emissions from rural land uses: A decision-support tool for national decision-makers

Learn how to assess and prioritize agricultural mitigations options by country and by regions within countries. The University of Aberdeen, with support from CCAFS, will present a user-friendly tool that can help stakeholders design beneficial and cost-effective mitigation options based on their geographic location. By invite only
Venue: San Isidro Inn Hotel.

3 December 2014 
Increasing the Resilience of Farming Communities to Climate Change through Shared Learning and Adaptation Decision-Making with a Focus on Gender [Read report back]

How can more inclusive adaptation programs be developed in order to support the resilience of indigenous peoples and small-holder farmers and their communities? Climate-smart technologies for agriculture have been developed for some time. However, few of these technologies have been adopted due to lack of resources at multiple levels (financial, technical expertise, personnel) and limited understanding of smallholder farmers’ priorities and needs for adaptation.
Venue: Sipan Room, COP 20 Venue: Cuartel General del Ejército del Perú (CGEP) Av. Boulevar S/N, San Borja Lima 41 Surco, Lima, Peru

4 December 2014 

Hacia un enfoque climáticamente inteligente en la agricultura colombiana (Towards a climate-smart approach Colombian agriculture)

This discussion forum views on what has been achieved in Colombia from a series of gremios, producer organizations, research institutions and the prospect of the Ministry will be shared. And then a panel will discuss how Colombia can be strengthened in the future and out, scaling this model to other countries. This event is open for all - in Spanish only
Venue: Voices for Climate - Mountains and Waters Pavillion.

7 December 2014, 10:00 - 16:00

Seminar on Food and Nutrition Security, Agriculture and Climate Change [Read report back]

On the sidelines of UNFCCC COP20 CCAFS, CARE International and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) will host a half-day seminar to raise awareness and showcase actions on approaches to address the food and nutrition security and climate change challenges. 
Venue: Novotel San Isidio Hotel
Read report back: 

6 - 7 December 2014 
Global Landscapes Forum 2014

A number of sessions feature CCAFS work including:

8 December 2014 09:30 - 12:00

Farmers, agriculture and the UNFCCC [Read report back]

CCAFS is hosting a half-day event  to raise awareness among farmers’ representatives and youth representatives on the status of agriculture in the negotiations, provide a networking space for farmers, and also exchange ideas on influencing agriculture in the UNFCCC going forward to the post-2015 agreement and beyond. By invite only
Venue: Miraflores Colon Hotel

8 December 2014 16:45—18:15
Growing climate risks require transformations to climate smart agriculture innovations by farmers, private sector and public services that can provide widely shared livelihood benefits. Presenters, panelists and participants will share recent and emerging progress. Jointly organised by the University of Copenhagen, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), and the Government of Kenya
Venue: Army Headquarters of Peru - Room Paracas
Information will be periodically updated