
Making landscapes climate-smart

Key features from a landscape perspective include mosaics of land uses, and in particular assemblages of agriculture, forestry and degraded land. Photo: Ecoagriculture Partners

We must look at the whole landscape if we want to achieve climate-smart agriculture. Lini Wollenberg, who leads research on Pro-poor climate change mitigation for the CGIAR Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) program, explores how a whole-landscape approach can help us ensure that efforts for adaptation and mitigation of climate change in agriculture, can also help meet agricultural production, food security, and sustainable development objectives.

[T]he context of agriculture-forest interactions and social and agroecological capacity for agricultural intensification is a key factor in developing climate smart landscapes. Landscapes afford flexibility in trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation, livelihoods and biodiversity. Understanding these trade-offs will be essential, as will appropriate institutional arrangements for landscape-level management.

Read the full story: Exploring the Evidence: Making Landscapes Climate-Smart via the EcoAgriculture Partners Blog Landscapes for People, Food and Nature

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