

by Vanessa Meadu and Cecilia Schubert

Knowledge is power when it comes fighting hunger, food insecurity and climate injustice. This is one of the core premises at the Hunger, Nutrition, Climate Justice conference which kicks off today in Dublin, Ireland. As one of the conference co-organisers, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) wants to showcase how scientific and indigenous knowledge are being mobilised for positive change.

In Senegal, CCAFS and partners including the Senegalese National Meteorological Agency, the Agriculture Extension Service, and many farmers groups, have developed an innovative and exciting approach to reduce the risks that farmers face as the climate becomes more and more variable: put climate information into farmers hands. Farmers have been involved in every step of the way, helping meteorologists and other specialists package and communicate the information in a way that is truly useful.


Download the Case Study

Blog story: Putting climate forecasts into farmers' hands, 25 July 2011

Blog story: Following up on last year’s climate forecast workshop – what happened next?  27 February 2012

Working paper: Delivery models for climate information in East and West Africa

Working paper: Investigating climate information services through a gendered lens

The CCAFS team is reporting live from the Hunger, Nutrition, Climate Justice conference in Dublin from 15-16 April 2013. Watch live webcasts at and follow updates on the CCAFS blog. Engage with us on twitter @cgiarclimate using #HNCJ.