
Todd Rosenstock and Christine Lamanna of the Land Health Decision Team at World Agroforestry will lead a seminar/webinar on mainstreaming climate-smart agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.

Please join us for an AFRICAP knowledge-sharing seminar/webinar, co-hosted with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) on Monday 17 June at 1pm-2.30pm UK time.

  • Title: Climate-Smart Change? Lessons from working with governments, NGOs and farmers on scaling up productive, resilient and low-emission agriculture in Africa under CCAFS
  • Guest speakers: Todd Rosenstock & Christine Lamanna of the Land Health Decision Team at World Agroforestry (ICRAF, Nairobi)
  • Location: Roger Stevens LT15, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom


Register for the webinar here.

We are pleased to announce that World Agroforestry’s Todd Rosenstock and Christine Lamanna will lead a seminar/webinar on mainstreaming climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in sub-Saharan Africa. They have worked extensively with development partners including NEPAD, national and sub national governments, iNGOs and farmers to build the evidence base to support informed decision making and efforts to scale up CSA. The results have influenced policies, programming and investments. Their work is part of the ICRAF’s Thematic Research Area called Land Health Decisions (LHD), an interdisciplinary team including a diverse range of expertise from soil to decision science.  

This webinar is part of a two day pump-priming visit to spur collaborations between the University of Leeds and ICRAF on CSA.


Act 1: Evidence, influence and change. ICRAF will showcase experiences of conducting and disseminating CSA research in Africa. This will be framed under the auspices of linking knowledge to action and by the arc of CSA science. They will specifically discuss what has worked and the challenges to creating evidence and informing change in the dynamic environment and in close partnership with next users of the information. Information about LHD and ICRAF programs beyond CSA will also be discussed, and more details on Todd and Christine’s research can be found here.

Act 2: The CSA Compendium. The second part of the Webinar will discuss the team’s flagship knowledge product. The CSA Compendium is a meta-dataset compiled to explore questions around the ‘climate-smartness’ of agricultural technologies. That is, what are the effects of shifting from one management practice to another on productivity, resilience and mitigation outcomes, with an interest to uncover what the data say from what works where. The Compendium contains more than 80,000 observations from over 1400 African agricultural studies linked to detailed covariates such as climate, soil, and socio-economics.