Implementing NDCs in the agriculture sector across Africa: What directions for capacity building?
As countries are in the process of revising and submitting updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the role of agriculture is a concern for many.
This webinar was intended to offer a platform for participants from across Africa to discuss capacity building needs with respect to implementing NDCs in the agriculture sector. It presented findings from a recent survey carried out to gather insights on these capacity needs and will offer a chance for national ministry officers and those from civil society to validate these findings and offer additional insights related to their countries’ particular situations.
During the webinar, the speakers promoted a set of training materials that is freely available for those interested in learning more about implementation of NDCs in the agriculture sector in Africa. The entire package is meant for use during a three-day training. The materials are available here for download and use.
- Facilitation guide
- Activity instructions
- Suggest training agenda
- Course evaluation form
- Module 1, UNFCCC initiatives on agriculture and the NDCs: Slides and Presenter guide
- Module 2, Climate actions in agriculture and priority setting for investments: Slides and Presenter guide
- Module 3, Climate finance for agriculture: Slides and Presenter guide
- Module 4, Private sector engagement for NDC implementation: Slides and Presenter guide
- Module 5, Consideration of social aspects for inclusive development: Slides and Presenter guide
- Module 6, Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and adaptation M&E: Slides and Presenter guide
- To provide insights on the shortcomings of the first generation NDCs and how these can be addressed as NDCs are being revised
- To share results of a capacity needs survey focused on how to improve NDC implementation in the agriculture sector
- To gather insights from webinar participants from across the African continent on additional capacity needs and priorities
Welcome and overview | Moderator: Dr. George Wamukoya, AGNES |
NDC implementation in Africa’s agriculture sectors to date and ways forward | Presenter: Dr. Manyewu Mutamba, AUDA-NEPAD |
Survey results on capacity needs for improving NDC implementation in agriculture | Presenters: Laura Cramer and Alberto Millan, CCAFS |
Feedback and discussion | Open to participants, moderated by Dr. Wamukoya |
This webinar is supported by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with funding of the German Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and carried out in partnership with the African Union Development Agency - NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Africa Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES).