
Vietnamese youth creates symbols of hope

The winners of the logo making contest receiving their certificates. Photo: Van Hai Le (ICRAF)

Youth in Viet Nam are learning about climate-smart agriculture and villages through a logo competition. 

The team of experts from the World Agroforestry Centre who are directly involved in establishing a Climate-Smart Village (CSV) in My Loi, Viet Nam organised a logo competition among school children in Ky Son commune.

Contest guidelines required submitted logos to represent both My Loi village and the three pillars of climate-smart agriculture (CSA): food security, climate-change adaptation and mitigation. The participants wrote apt description for the logos they make to see which elements were particularly important to the children. Some of the elements that stood out in the winning logos were mountains, clouds, cassava plants and water.

“We were quite surprised to see so many logos with water,” said Tua Minh Duong, research assistant with the team. “Of course, the lake and the river are not only water supply for agriculture but also important playgrounds for children; and should remain so.”

The winners were announced at the inauguration of the My Loi CSV in Ky Son commune, Ha Tinh province, central Viet Nam.

With the support of Rector Duong Phan Huy, a renowned educator in the province, other teachers and students of the Ky Son Primary School, the team received over 25 entries from which four logos were chosen winners.

Read the original blog story, Future farmers in a climate-smart village create symbols of hope on the ICRAF blog.

This is a synthesis of the original blog post, Future farmers in a climate-smart village create symbols of hope, first published on the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) blog